All Girls Want Bad Boys: Taken to its (il) Logical Extreme when Dilbert, who normally is Hollywood Dateless, gets wrongfully convicted of murder.He also claims to be a superior form of life high above humans at every chance he gets. When Dogbert briefly shuts it down to let Dilbert win against it in a game of Scrabble, it causes the Earth's rotation to stop.
Is a Crapshoot: Comp-U-Comp, the psychotic computer mainframe that secretly controls most of the world (voiced by Jerry Seinfeld). Advanced Tech 2000: The Gruntmaster 6000 as a arbitrary multiple of 2000.The series focuses more on his Cloudcuckoolander qualities he still does have his moments of spite though as he is a manager after all. Adaptational Nice Guy: The Pointy-Haired Boss is a good deal less mean in the series than he was in the comic strip.Adaptation Distillation: While the series lost its focus on office humor early on in its run, it also reverted to the strip's original format to establish Dilbert as a proper protagonist.Steve Austin: Austin 3:16 says 'order in the court!'